Wednesday, March 28, 2012

SURGE it Back

This week I wanted to do a blog over this old discontinued soda called SURGE. I remember this soda when I was a kid and just recently found out that there has been a petition online since 2002. The reason I thought about this soda ten years after it was discontinued is because Coca Cola just recently in December of 2011 discontinued a soda called Vault.

            Apparently a lot of people who like SURGE thought Vault was the closest thing to SURGE since 2002. Unfortunately they also got rid of Vault. Which I personally did not think tasted the same. On the website you can sign the petition and they also have recipes for what some people think SURGE tasted like some of them are surprisingly good. Some people put anything from lemon juice to other sodas in their drinks.

            Another pretty cool thing about trying to bring back SURGE is that it won’t even take you but five seconds to type your name and why. Unfortunately it may not seem like it would make a difference because it has been dead for ten years. Like I said before since Vault got discontinued in 2011 the whole Surge petition got picked back up again. Vault was like coca cola’s way of saying oops we messed up. You can go to and or to sign this petition. Since January of 2012 on Facebook alone people have gotten over 40,000 signatures online.

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