Monday, January 30, 2012

So Clean. So Beautiful?

For my first blog text response I picked the article on page 265 called “Social Lubricant: How a Marketing Campaign Became the Catalyst for a Societal Debate.” It is about the newer dove commercials how they use so called “real” women rather than models. They found out that it was a change from the normal advertisement of skinny unrealistic models so they pick different women that looked more natural. I found this interesting to try a different marketing strategy like this.

             I feel that they are using a different kind of marketing strategy so they seem to appeal to the common women. This also is to see if it would be a more comforting and give you a boost of self-confidence. The way they do this is by going against what is typically seen as beauty in the marketing industry so it is quite interesting to see them show what some women call true beauty.

            I thought it was odd that it was a self-interest study from Unilever. Self-interest studies are usually found a little sketchy as clearly the company can pick and choose the information that it wants to show you. In the reading it talks about a survey that they took in many different countries not just America asking a question about beauty. I found it odd that they did not tell us the question and said that a majority of women agreed with their advertisement.

            I thought Unilever did a wonderful job using this marketing strategy. It broke away from what society thinks to be beautiful and showed the people around the world it works. They claim it to be a new thing but so was thin woman in advertisement when it first came out. All it was is time to change. People love to relate to famous people. I am sure it made more than a few people feel good about themselves.


  1. I love the dove commercials as well and I also think that this was a great marketing strategy because it reminds the buyers that beauty does not come in only one form.

  2. I'd like to think that this is a step in the right direction.
