Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Art Budget

With the many things to argue about it is hard to choose one thing to talk about. I have decided to talk about schooling. As if you do not hear enough about school. I feel very strongly about this. Should the fine arts programs be cut so drastically compared to all of the other subjects? I would say no there are so many benefits to fine arts.

        For starters it is one of the best ways for talented and regular people to express their brilliant ideas and feelings through more ways than just writing. It also helps troubled people find an outlet or different way to release their trouble no matter what it is. The fine arts can also show people different culture and history from all around the world that may not be focused as much in other classes.

        All over the news and many online websites it states that school who lose the most in these budget cuts are school that do poorly. I find this wrong it shows that a well-funded school would have a better chance at funding. So if they get it were does that leave the poor and low income schools, in the dust. This prevents so many children and people from being able to experience such and education through music, arts, and styling.

“Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.”

 James Baldwin

1 comment:

  1. Cool quote. Are they eliminating art programs in your hometown?
