Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Excitment App

I picked the ad called “PowerPoint: Killer App?” for my text response this week. I thought overall this was a pretty interesting article. It makes some good points about Microsoft PowerPoint. I like how some articles or even other forms of media will grab your attention by starting out with some wild crazy story about how to completely different things are connected. Such as in this article it says one of the reasons that NASA did not see the safety defects in the space shuttle the Colombia was because there were too many PowerPoint presentations.

 Which I could understand if people are not fully focused on seeing the same style of presentations all day it could make anyone brain dead.  Although I do not agree the reason they missed the safety defects on the space shuttle Colombia because of PowerPoint seems a little rash. We had plenty of mishaps when it came the space ships long before PowerPoint was even thought of.

Though I love the style of this argument the way the article gets a persons attention by something that sound as I said so rash. It is something you cannot say is not true but it just sounds so unreal. I find it very interesting they way it says that the same presentations over and over again will make a person brain dead which I completely agree with. How can you pay attention to the same thing being told to you so many times.

1 comment:

  1. Leo, Be sure to stay away from content in this post. In other words, you need to focus on the author's argument, not the topic...
